The Big Red Bandstaph
The Bandstaff, or "Bandstaph", as it is almost always spelled, is in charge of running the Band. We meet once per week during the Band season, and also here and there outside of the season. Meetings tend to be highly productive. Why do you keep laughing? Anyway, staphers really are a dedicated group who are committed to the well being of the Band (through the upholding of the Band's Constitution). Elections are held in December, and the positions run for the calendar year.
The Positions on Bandstaph are:
Head Manager
Jill Crosby
The Head Manager is the one person crazy enough to deal with all the inner workings of the Band. She is in charge of running Bandstaph meetings, dealing with the administration, setting up the roadtrips, and handling relations with the other Ivy bands, among other stuff like making sure the trumpets wear pants when crossing the US-Canada border. Overall, she is the leader off the field, or so she is told. This year's Head Manager is Jill Crosby '21. Before taking on this position, she was a member of the tuba section.
Drum Major
Justin "Buckets" Kozma
The Drum Major is, in contrast to the Head Manager, the leader of the Band on the field. Basically, she's the one that gets all the attention. She runs the rehearsals, leads the Band on gameday, and gets to run onto the field all by herself to throw a big mace up in the air (and hopefully catch it). The 2019 BRMB Drum Major is Justin Kozma '20. Before ascending the podium, he played in the trumpet section.
Head Field Manager
Michael Miller
The Head Field Manager deals with the non-musical elements of the Band. Hey, the Drum Major needs a ladder to stand on if we're all to see her! And what if one of us (for some reason) were to get hurt on the field? (stupid Ithaca ice storms...) This year's Head Field Manager is Michael Miller '20.
Audrey Guo
The Big Red Band is good at three things: marching well, playing loud, and spending money. This is why there is a treasurer, whose job is to organize and balance the year's budget, as well as allocate budgets to each of the other Bandstaph positions and sections if necessary. All that money can be a lot for one person to keep track of, so the Treasurer also has to check the budget with BRBAA and the Student Assembly Finance Commission (SAFC) to make sure that she keeps our ink in the black. This year's treasurer is Audrey Guo '21.
Show Committee Chairs
Sydney Eisenberg and Theo Richardson
The Show Committee Chairs organize the Show Committee, which writes all the field shows, allowing us to maintain our title as The Only REAL Marching Band in the Ivy League. Along with writing the shows, the Show Committee Chairs also share some responsibility with the Drum Major in making us all learn the shows. In fact, in the absence of the Drum Major, the Show Committee Chairs take over her responsibility. Sydney Eisenberg '21 and Theo Richardson '19 are the current chairs.
Alumni Relations
Maria Komorowski and Natalie Parker
The Alumni Relations Chairs, well, maintain relations with the alumni. Working with the Big Red Band Alumni Association (BRBAA), they organize alumni events for Homecoming each fall and Reunion each summer. They also strive to publish two issues of Band Notes every year. The current Alumni Relations Chairs are Maria Komorowski '19 and Natalie Parker '20.
Uniform Chairs
Justin Kozma, Casandra Moisanu, Michael Miller, Carrie Rucker
The Uniform Chairs are in charge of fitting us all with our snazzy uniforms and making sure that all the uniforms stay in good condition and don't get lost. And of course, since the BRMB is a source of entertainment fit for the entire family, the Uniform Chairs act as censors to prevent the showing of nudity throughout the Band on days of performance. Our Uniform Chairs for 2018 are Justin Kozma '20, Michael Miller '20, Carrie Rucker '21, and Casandra Moisanu '21.
Equipment Chairs/Czars
Alex Coy, Bekah Koutereba, Kassandra Patrick
You can't have a band without instruments, right? And although the band takes SUCH good care of its instruments, they are bound to break some time, so what happens then? The equipment czars spring into action! They are in charge of fixing any instrument in band, personally or BRMB owned. Another important part of their job is getting accessories essential to any band like lyres, flip-folders, reeds, valve oil, etc. If you've got equipment that needs managing, don't hesitate to contact the current Equipment Czars, Alex Coy '21, Bekah Koutereba '21, and Kassandra Patrick '21, they'd be happy to help!
Head Librarians
Audrey Guo, Dan Batan, Christian Romero
The Head Librarians are in charge of maintaining the massive music library containing over 1100 songs and distributing music to all members. Over the course of the year, they find their best friends are Igor the copier and Ida the paper cutter. They get over their dust allergies and become immune to paper cuts as they prepare folders for all the new members and distribute all the new show music. Christian Romero '21, Audrey Guo '21, and Dan Batan '21 are the current Head Librarians.
Need music? You can hit up the librarians with this suh-weet Google Form.
Publicity Chairs
Sabrina Giaimo and Mike Hennig
The Publicity Chairs' most important job is recruiting new members for the Band at the start of each year. This may consist of, but is not limited to, covering the entire campus with chalkings raving about the glories of Band, asking every new student that tries to register (and all students have to register), and flooding the Cornell Daily Sun with personals. The current publicity chairs are Mike Hennig '22 and Sabrina Giaimo '22.
Molly Bergin and Annie Fu
The Historian acts as the band's personal paparazzi, running all over the place and looking for perfect snapshots of the band. These pictures then go up for all to see on the historian's website. The Historian is also in charge of recording the halftime shows. This year's Historians are Molly Bergin '19 and Annie Fu '21.
Check the historian's website and facebook page for all of our photos!
Fundraising Chairs
Cody Kitzinger and Evan Tart
The Fundraising Chairs organize the yearly phonathon, which brings in a substantial amount of money for each Band season. They also manage the band's annual Giving Day campaign. Of course, we have nothing against the Fundraising Chairs coming up with creative ways of bringing in even more money. Hey, we'll find uses for it. Cody Kitzinger '21 and Evan Tart '21 are the current fundraising chairs.
Leigh Miller
The secretary is responsible for taking minutes during each meeting of the Bandstaph, so that the whole band can read about its inner workings. She also takes care of the email lists and the official roster of all band members so we can stalk each other and keep in touch. This year's secretary is Leigh Miller '22.
Social Chairs
Magnus Hoglund and Keshav Ram
As if Band itself isn't fun enough, we have people in charge of organizing even more fun for bandies outside of standard Band time. The social chairs organize several events (highlighted by the Non-sectarian Holiday Party and the Spring Semiformal), picnics in Stewart Park, the annual Assassins game, and participation of the Band in intramural sports. The current Social Chairs are Magnus Hoglund '20 and Keshav Ram '22.
Magnus Hoglund
The webmaster is in charge of maintaining and improving the band's web presence (including this website). She also acts as an adviser for individual section webmasters. This year's webmaster is Magnus Hoglund '20.
Pep Band Manager
Natalie Parker
The Big Red Marching Band will often interact with the Big Red Pep Band (in fact, there is an enormous overlap in membership). Therefore, the Pep Band Manager reports any news to the BRMB Bandstaph. This year's Pep Band Manager is Natalie Parker '20.
About the bandstaph
The Bandstaph meets every week during the Fall semester, typically the hour before rehearsal (8-9pm on Tuesdays) in the Fischell Band Center. These meetings are open, so feel free to drop by!